Tuesday, November 10, 2009

We Improved Our Ranking System

After long and hard research, trial and error and a lot of creativity, we are finally ready to launch our updated ranking system. The system will retain the same "mark" concept as before (giving marks from 0% to 100% on a per game basis), but will calculate marks in a smarter way.
First of all, marks will be calculated on a per hand basis and will take the actual rank of the people you play against in that hand into consideration. The sophisticated algorithm also makes adjustments for mark inflation and rewards players for playing parts of a game rather than only rewarding players for playing in full games. We plan to continuously tweak our ranking algorithm based on the data that we gather and on user feedback.

1 comment:

  1. بحب اشكركو على هاد المجهود الكبير

    بس لسه في مشاكل بالتصنيف

    المفروض انو بدل ما يقارن لعب اللاعب بلعب الكمبيوتر
    انو يتم احتساب النقاط على النتيجة النهائية

    وعدى عن ذلك
    لازم يكون الكمبيوتر عادل باللعب
    يعني الكمبيوتر بكون شايف كل الكروت
    بتكون تلعب
    بستلم لعب وعلى طول بفتح ببنت على شيخ أو قص واقف
    هاد مش عدل إطلاقا
